Avopa News

The Second executive meeting will be conducted on 23.04.2023 (Sunday) from 10.00pm am to 4.00pm in the premises of Telangana State AVOPA office, Vasavi Seva Kendram. Lakdikapul, Hyderabad.



  1. Welcome the dignitaries
  2. Vasavi Matha Prayer
  3. Welcome Address by the President
  4. Formation of New AVOPA Units and Dist. Units.
  5. Detail discussions on Service Programs conducted in various districts.
  6. Elections to be conducted where the tenure of two years completed in units and districts
  7. Planning about conducting of state level vivaha parichaya Vedika in Hyderabad. All the units PSTs are invited to this meeting.
  8. Discussion about new membership drive.
  9. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.